Athletics Tauranga Inc.

Athletics Tauranga offers subsidies that help cover costs of traveling to and competing at significant events both nationally and internationally. Please read the following carefully.


Terms for Athletes to Apply for Subsidy (Includes all grades and levels of athletes including Masters)
• Current season financial member.
• Funding must be applied for on the official Application Form no later than 2 weeks prior to the event. Applications post event will not be accepted.
• Payment of subsidy will be via internet transfer post event.
• Where an athlete is under 16 years of age, application must be with parental consent.
• An athlete 16 years or over, will be assessed on their contributions to the club, not their parents (except in the case of Para athletes).

Club Qualifying Criteria Requirements:
• Wears our current club uniform to all competitive meets.
• ‘Tags’ our name on their social media accounts with regularity. Especially around the event of subsidy application.
• Assists the club at one or more of the following:
o Twilight
o King/Queen of the Mountain
o Aotearoa Relay Festival
o Tauranga Open Cross Country
o AIMS Games Cross Country
o Assists at working bees for club or TMTT.
o Club nights
o Winter Club runs
o other

Event Eligibility – all Athletes other than Masters and Combined Events Athletes:
Selected to compete at an inter-provincial, inter-island, National or International event. The determination of the event meeting the criteria will be determined by the Club Committee.

Event Eligibility - Combined Events Athletes and Masters Athletes:
Competes in a North Island, South Island National or International Event whether selected or self-selected. This recognises that it is not always possible to be selected for events in this category.

In all cases no events will be eligible if they are held in the Region of Waikato-Bay of Plenty. NZ Secondary Schools Competitions are also excluded from event eligibility criteria.

Hardship Grant:
Any athlete may apply for a hardship grant through this subsidy. Each application will be considered on a case by case basis and be treated in confidence. All such applications considered at the discretion of the Committee.

LEVELS OF SUBSIDY: Each subsidy application is ‘up to’ the following maximums in each case.

CategoryNZAustralia & PacificInternational
Bronze Level$200$300$500
Silver Level$250$350$600
Gold Level$300$400$750

The levels of subsidy will be continually reviewed by the Athletics Tauranga Club Committee.
Limit of two subsidies per year with a maximum total amount in any year of $1000.

Bronze Level
• Meets basic criteria:
o Financial member
o Wears current Club uniform
• Assisted at one of our club hosted events.

Silver Level
• Financial member
• Assisted at a club hosted event.
• Competes at a club hosted event.
• Tags club on a regular basis on social media: at the specific event where subsidy being applied for.

Gold Level
• Financial member
• Assisted at two club hosted events.
• Must compete at the event the subsidy is being applied for
• Tags club regularly on social media
• Be available for promotion/marketing/guest speaker for the Club

Managers, Coaches and Officials:
A Manager, Coach or Official can apply for a subsidy on the following criteria:

• The Athlete they are assisting meets the athlete subsidy criteria irrespective of whether they apply for a subsidy or not.
• The application must be lodged no later than 2 weeks prior to the competition event.
• The Coach acknowledges Athletics Tauranga in any post-event social media.
• The Coach is affiliated with Athletics Tauranga and is ANZ accredited.
• The Coach has assisted with the running of the club or at club events.

• The Official must be selected or requested to Officiate by the competition event.
Manager or Athletics NZ, or other governing athletics body.
• Regional events do not qualify for the subsidy i.e. Waikato/BOP Region.
• The application must be lodged no later than 2 weeks prior to the competition event.

• The Athlete(s) they are assisting meet the athlete subsidy criteria irrespective of
whether they apply for a subsidy or not.
• The application must be lodged no later than 2 weeks prior to the competition event.
• The Manager acknowledges Athletics Tauranga in any post-event social media.

Managers and Officials
In all cases, applications will be treated on a case by case basis at the discretion of the committee.

Applying for the Subsidy:
All applicants must apply in writing on the Subsidy Form which can be downloaded from the Athletics Tauranga website. This must be emailed to the Club Secretary to be received no later than two weeks prior to the competition event. The Club Secretary will confirm the outcome of your application within 7 days of receiving your application.

Important Note:
The Subsidy Policy Criteria and the availability of the subsidy will be reviewed annually by the Athletics Tauranga Committee. The Athletics Tauranga Committee reserve the right to amend or make changes in part or whole on an annual basis.